25 November 2011



“HADRAH KUNTULAN” Kuntulan Tambourine, which is also calledKundaran”, is one of the many art traditions that still survive till now on in Banyuwangi. The various journey changes that characterize Kuntulan showed its intelligence facing any changes. Kuntulan is influenced by Arabic work of art which has Islamic nuance.

Not only the dancing movement, the music and also the songs, but also the unique collaboration between Banyuwangi art tradition and desert art. Her presence also adds to the treasury and colors of traditional arts in the country. The collaboration with various social and cultural realities of Banyuwangi’s society bring this art into a distinctive dynamic and complex issues at once.

The designation of “Kuntul” means “egret”, as a symbol, according to Sutedjo HN, humanist from Banyuwangi, this is as a representation of the social lifestyle which more concern about togetherness among the human beings. It is inspired from egrets who are always calling their friends when they find some food.

Another peculiarity in the arts or kundaran tambourineKuntulan” is the rhythm that has a strong character, aggressive and jerky even when performing, the music player look as hand in hand to create a dynamic and full tone so natural that the spirit of rock music typical Banyuwangi even occasionally we have to close ears because it’s so loud and the Jidor players sometimes like a man possessed when playing. The song is not always Islamic songs, but also include folk songs and sometimes pop songs that are popular today.

The Achievement of Hadrah Kuntulan have scent Banyuwangi and East Java province. Recorded in the national art scene, Hadrah Kuntulan has been bacoming a winner in the National Festival at Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta.

Art tambourine Kuntulan also been plugging his nails at the International level. Several times this art performances abroad. Hadrah Kuntulan also had been performing in Japan collaborate with Barongan.

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